By Wallace D. Wattles. Adaption by Paul Bond

The Science of Getting Rich

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Welcome to the official website dedicated to the modern adaptation of the timeless classic, “The Science of Getting Rich,” originally written by Wallace D. Wattles and first published in 1910. This remarkable book serves as the foundational principle behind what we now recognize as ‘The Law of Attraction,’ a concept that gained widespread popularity following the release of the influential movie, “The Secret.”
While numerous books on this subject have touched upon the principles of wealth creation, Wattles’ work goes beyond them, encompassing essential elements often overlooked by others. In “The Science of Getting Rich,” Wattles explains why the universe actively supports your journey towards prosperity, precisely outlining the steps you need to take and even shedding light on those you can avoid.

It is important to remember that “The Science of Getting Rich” was authored in a vastly different era.
In 1910, the world looked strikingly dissimilar. Notably, women in various parts of the world, including the USA and UK, had yet to secure the right to vote. Technological advancements were still in their nascent stages, and today, we enjoy innovations that would have surpassed Wattles’ wildest dreams.

The way people spoke and wrote was very different in the early 1900s, and it can require a little effort to easily grasp and understand the points being conveyed. That’s why this new version has taken the original text and modernized it, making it significantly more accessible for contemporary readers (or listeners, if you prefer the audiobook format). Concepts and examples have been updated to reflect present times. For instance, where Wallace mentioned ‘sending a telegram,’ it has been revised to ‘sending a text message.’

Join us on this transformative journey as we adapt Wattles’ invaluable insights for the contemporary world. Explore the pages of this website to discover how you can leverage his principles to unlock your true potential and attain the abundance you deserve.